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by Denmo Ibrahim


Directed by


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Tickets On Sale: Feb 25 
Page To Stage Discussion: Apr 15 at 1pm 

Pay-What-You-Wish: Apr 24 at 7:30pm 
Previews: Apr 25 at 7:30pm, Apr 26 & 27 at 2pm 
Beginning May 1:
     Thurs at 2pm, Fri at 7:30pm, Sat at 2pm & 7:30pm, Sun at 2pm

Opening Night: May 2 
Military Matinee: May 3 
Conversation Sunday: May 18


A Michigan Premiere

Audience favorite Sarab Kamoo portrays both characters in a tender and touching father-daughter tale. 

1980’s, Manhattan. Trapped in the absurd circus of the office of US Passport & Immigration, Mohammed, an Egyptian immigrant, pleads his case – a passport for his little girl. 

2010’s, JFK. His daughter Layla embarks on a journey halfway across the world in hopes of reclaiming the lost pieces of her culture, her father, and herself. 

A heartwarming family reunion thirty years in the making. 

Creative Team

Support for the Williamston Theatre Comes From
  • The
  • National