Megan Buckley-Ball
- Stage Manager
- Director

Megan Buckley-Ball is a theatre professional native to southeastern Michigan. Thanks, in part, to Ernie Harwell, she graduated from Wayne State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Technical Theatre with an emphasis in Stage Management. Megan has been a proud member of Actors’ Equity Association, the union of actors and stage managers, since 2005 and has since spent many evenings and weekends in the rehearsal room or theater. She was introduced to Williamston Theatre in 2007 and stage managed Music from a Sparkling Planet, Art, Hate Mail, and Maidens, Mothers, and Crones: Voices From Women of the Midwest. In 2011, Tony Caselli asked her to stage manage Ernie, the Play, which she did for all seven seasons of its run throughout Michigan and Lakeland, Florida. During this time, she was simultaneously serving as the Artistic Director at Matrix Theatre Company in Southwest Detroit, which remained her day job for about a decade – long enough to both give her a lifelong love of and respect for that community as well as turn her hair prematurely grey. There, she co-wrote and produced Dream Deferred: Detroit, 1967, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the ’67 Rebellion, which received international acclaim and quickly became the highest grossing, longest running production in Matrix Theatre’s history. In 2019, she took flight from her longstanding southwest nest and landed at the Macomb Center for the Performing Arts, where she works as Patron Services and Volunteer Supervisor. Outside of her career, Megan makes it her job to promote compassion, empathy, grace, and understanding for all. She is anti-racist, understands that your gender and choice of restroom are not her business, will only speak to and reference you by your chosen name and pronouns, and will forever be ready with whatever support she can offer to those that need it. She and her wife Birdie enjoy a nonstop, stressful, hectic, and often hilarious life together in St. Clair Shores, Michigan with their dog, Gus.