The Usual: A Love Story
The Usual: A Love Story
Directed by
Take one lonely guy, add a shot of lonely girl and a dash of spunky bartender, blend and serve! Two strangers, each unhappy with their love lives, have a chance encounter in a bar where “the usual” isn’t usual at all. Join Kip, Valerie and Sam as they navigate the treacherous waters of dating, romance and relationships. This modern musical journey through love and life will keep you coming back for more.
Creative Team
- Scenic Designer Daniel C. Walker
- Lighting Designer Ryan Davies
- Costumer Designer Holly Iler
- Musical Director Jeff English
- Choreographer Dana Brazil
- Stage Manager Stefanie Din
- 2012, Pulsar Award, Best Ensemble for a Musical
- 20132 Thespie Award, Best Supporting Actress, Leslie Hull